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Home - Interpeace : Interpeace
30 avril, 2024
Une amitié rétablie grâce au lancement d'un espace de dialogue dans la vallée de Kerio au Kenya

In the Kerio Valley in Kenya's North Rift Region, two former close friends, Francis, a Marakwet, and Johnstone, a Pokot, were once united in their agricultural pursuits and shared common goals. However, as conflicts escalated in the valley, their friendship deteriorated, leading to unrest within their communities. For ten years, Francis and Johnstone lived physically […]

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30 avril, 2024
Cultiver l’unité et la paix au Burundi à travers des initiatives de reforestation

In Burundi, the impacts of climate change have been widespread. With a surface area of less than 30,000 km² and a population of nearly 12 million, the depletion of limited land and natural resources has been an issue for many years, and it is becoming increasingly more.  Deforestation has rapidly cleared large areas across Burundi, […]

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29 avril, 2024
Community-based Participatory Framework for the Assessment of Resilience in Rwanda

  The Ministry of National Unity and Civic Engagement (MINUBUMWE), in collaboration with Interpeace has released new research titled: a community-based Participatory Framework for the Assessment of Resilience in Rwanda. These findings were presented, along with insightful recommendations, during a stakeholder engagement event held on 8 March 2024 in Kigali, Rwanda.

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25 avril, 2024
Renforcer la prévention des conflits et la gouvernance sécuritaire locale

This video shows how collaborative frameworks are being put in place to boost synergies between local communities and security institutions in Burkina Faso. The approach that is being used is called “circles of peace” which offers inclusive spaces that encourage the active participation of women in building community resilience. This approach is promoting social cohesion […]

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16 avril, 2024
Ouvrir la voie à une gouvernance inclusive au Kasaï

  The Inclusive Governance for Peace programme in Kasaï Province, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), implemented by Action pour la Paix et la Concorde (APC) in partnership with Interpeace, has made significant progress in empowering women's and youth leadership. For a long time, women in the region have been marginalised and their decision-making authority limited. […]

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15 avril, 2024
Comprendre et prévenir la violence politique en Côte d’Ivoire (PREDIA 2021 – 2023)

Une vidéo qui retrace les activités menées dans le cadre du projet PREDIA en Côte d’Ivoire, œuvrant pour comprendre les facteurs qui rendent une zone vulnérable à la violence politique et pour la mise en place de Cadres de Collaboration outillés agissant en prévention de cette violence.

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